Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Quick Comment about the Reading Process Piece

Group, as I comment on rough drafts, I just want to steer you in the right direction here. This particular essay is ultimately about your reading process. It's not about the poem as much as it's about how you made meaning out of it. How did that happen, actually?

Given that purpose, don't organize the body by the order of the poem. The goal is not to merely walk us through the text and share some thoughts on your final understanding of the lines. It's more about you walking us through how you made sense of it. Do you see the difference there? We won't get that exploration of your process if you're just taking us through the poem line by line. So start with what happened when you looked at the piece for the first time. Did you even read through it? Or did you immediately get stuck? When did you first get confused? Did you ever feel like giving up on it? Did you feel any breakthroughs or "aha" moments? That's where you need to push the piece.

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